Administrative management of runZero custom integrations, including write operations.
These operations are privileged and require an account token directly or an OAuth key that can generate one.
import base64
import pathlib
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from runzero.client import Client
from runzero.errors import Error
from runzero.types import (
from ._sdk_source_icon import _PY_ICON_BYTES
[docs]class CustomIntegrationAssetSet(BaseModel):
A Pydantic-compliant class for marshaling custom asset ids.
asset_ids: List[uuid.UUID] = Field(...)
[docs]class CustomIntegrationAttributeSet(BaseModel):
A Pydantic-compliant class for marshaling custom attributes.
attributes: Dict[str, str] = Field(...)
[docs]class CRUDAsset(BaseModel):
A Pydantic-compliant class for marshaling custom assets.
[docs] class Config:
"Inner config class."
allow_population_by_field_name = True
id: str = Field(..., max_length=1024)
macs: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None)
addresses: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None)
addresses_extra: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None)
hostnames: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None)
domains: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None)
first_seen: Optional[int] = Field(None)
os: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=1024)
os_vendor: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=1024)
os_version: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=1024)
hw: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=1024)
hw_vendor: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=1024)
tags: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=1024)
device_type: Optional[str] = Field(None, max_length=1024)
custom_attributes: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(None)
[docs] def merge_import_asset(self, import_asset: ImportAsset) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
Merge an existing ImportAsset with this CRUD asset.
self.id = import_asset.id
self.macs = []
self.addresses = []
self.addresses_extra = []
self.hostnames = [hostname.__root__ for hostname in import_asset.hostnames] if import_asset.hostnames else []
self.domains = [import_asset.domain] if import_asset.domain else []
self.first_seen = 0
self.os = import_asset.os or ""
self.os_vendor = import_asset.manufacturer or ""
self.os_version = ""
self.hw = import_asset.model or ""
self.hw_vendor = ""
self.tags = ""
self.device_type = import_asset.device_type or ""
self.custom_attributes = {}
if import_asset.first_seen_ts is not None:
self.first_seen = int(import_asset.first_seen_ts.timestamp())
if import_asset.tags:
self.tags = "\t".join(tag.__root__ for tag in import_asset.tags)
if import_asset.custom_attributes is not None:
for key, value in import_asset.custom_attributes.items():
if key == "macAddresses":
self.macs = value.split("\t")
elif key == "ipAddresses":
self.addresses = value.split("\t")
elif key == "ipAddressesExtra":
self.addresses_extra = value.split("\t")
elif key == "hostnames":
self.hostnames = value.split("\t")
elif key == "domain":
if self.domains is None:
self.domains = []
elif key == "os":
self.os = value
elif key == "osVersion":
self.os_version = value
elif key == "manufacturer":
self.hw_vendor = value
elif key == "model":
self.hw = value
elif key == "tags":
if self.tags is None:
self.tags = value
self.tags = self.tags + " " + value
elif key == "deviceType":
self.device_type = value
elif key in ("ownedBy", "runZeroID", "_services", "_software", "_vulnerabilities"):
# Skip; we don't support these yet.
elif key in ("firstSeenTS", "lastSeenTS"):
# Skip; these are set directly on the import asset.
self.custom_attributes[key] = value
[docs]class CRUDImportAsset(BaseModel):
A wrapper class for importing assets via CRUD.
asset: CRUDAsset
[docs]class CustomIntegrationAssetAdmin:
"""Allows administration of custom integration-related features of assets.
This allows for assets to be created via a custom integration, without creating a runZero
import task, and for setting of attributes on assets using this custom integration.
:param client: A handle to the :class:`runzero.Client` which manages interactions
with the runZero server.
def __init__(self, client: Client, integration_id: uuid.UUID) -> None:
"""Constructor methods."""
self._client = client
self._id = integration_id
[docs] def create_asset(self, org_id: uuid.UUID, site_id: uuid.UUID, asset: ImportAsset) -> uuid.UUID:
"""Create a new asset in the specified organization and site, using this custom integration..
Note that not all fields of an :class:`ImportAsset` can be used when creating an asset directly.
:param org_id: organization id
:param site_id: site id
:param asset: a description of the asset to be created:
:returns: A UUID identifying the new asset in runZero.
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
crud_asset = CRUDAsset(
res = self._client.execute(
params={"_oid": str(org_id), "site": str(site_id)},
return res.json_obj["asset_id"]
[docs] def bulk_update_custom_attributes(
org_id: uuid.UUID,
search: str,
attributes: Dict[str, str],
site: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None,
limit: int = 0,
) -> int:
Adds, deletes, and updates custom integration attributes on assets matching the given search.
:param org_id: organization id
:param search: a search query to locate assets to update
:param attributes: a dictionary of key-value pairs to update; empty values delete attributes
:param site: limit the search to a given site
:param limit: limit the number of query results
:returns: An integer indicating the number of assets updated
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
res = self._client.execute(
"_oid": org_id,
"site": site or "",
"limit": limit or 0,
"search": search,
return res.json_obj.get("updated", 0)
[docs] def update_custom_attributes(self, org_id: uuid.UUID, asset_id: uuid.UUID, attributes: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
Adds, deletes, or updates custom integration attributes on a specific asset.
:param org_id: organization id
:param asset_id: the asset to update
:param attributes: a dictionary of key-value pairs to update; empty values delete attributes
:returns: An integer indicating the number of assets updated
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
res = self._client.execute(
params={"_oid": org_id, "limit": 0},
return res.json_obj.get("updated", 0)
[docs] def remove_custom_integration(self, org_id: uuid.UUID, asset_id: uuid.UUID) -> None:
Removes a custom integration from a specific asset.
:param org_id: organization id
:param asset_id: the asset to update
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
params={"_oid": org_id},
[docs] def bulk_remove_custom_integration(self, org_id: uuid.UUID, asset_ids: List[uuid.UUID]) -> None:
Removes a custom integration from a list of assets.
:param org_id: organization id
:param asset_ids: the list of assets to update
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
params={"_oid": org_id},
[docs]class CustomIntegrationsAdmin:
"""Full Management of custom integrations.
Custom integrations are descriptive registered associations between integrations of data and
assets imported which are associated with those integrations.
This is a superset of operations available in runzero.custom_integrations.CustomIntegrations
which allows only read operations.
:param client: A handle to the :class:`runzero.Client` which manages interactions
with the runZero server.
_ENDPOINT = "api/v1.0/account/custom-integrations"
"""A default icon representing a custom integration defined via this Python SDK."""
def __init__(self, client: Client):
"""Constructor method"""
self._client = client
[docs] def get_all(self) -> List[CustomIntegration]:
Lists all custom integrations available to your account.
:returns: List of custom integrations
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
res = self._client.execute("GET", self._ENDPOINT)
result: List[CustomIntegration] = []
for src in res.json_obj:
return result
[docs] def get(
self, name: Optional[str] = None, custom_integration_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None
) -> Optional[CustomIntegration]:
Retrieves runZero custom integrations with either the matching ID or Name.
:param name: Optional, name of the custom integration to retrieve
:param custom_integration_id: Optional, the id of the custom integration to retrieve
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
ValueError if neither custom_integration_id nor name are provided.
:returns: The matching CustomIntegration or None
if name is None and custom_integration_id is None:
raise ValueError("must provide custom_integration_id or source name")
if custom_integration_id is not None:
res = self._client.execute("GET", f"{self._ENDPOINT}/{custom_integration_id}")
return _resp_to_source(res.json_obj)
# name
for src in self.get_all():
if src.name == name:
return src
return None
[docs] def get_asset_admin_handle(self, custom_integration_id: uuid.UUID) -> Optional[CustomIntegrationAssetAdmin]:
Gets a CustomIntegrationAdmin object to manipulate assets related to the given integration.
:param custom_integration_id: The ID of the custom integration.
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
ValueError if neither custom_integration_id nor name are provided.
:returns: The matching CustomIntegrationAssetAdmin or None
if self.get(custom_integration_id=custom_integration_id) is not None:
return CustomIntegrationAssetAdmin(self._client, custom_integration_id)
return None
[docs] def create(
name: str,
description: Optional[str] = None,
icon: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview, Path, str]] = PYTHON_ICON,
) -> CustomIntegration:
Creates a new custom integration.
:param name: Name of custom integration to be created in to your account. The
name may not contain spaces, tabs, or other whitespace
:param description: Optional description of custom integration to be created
:param icon: Optional file path to, or bytes of icon data. The icon must be
a png formatted image with a maximum size of 32x32. Icon format
is validated by the server. The default value assigns your custom
data source the Python logo to indicate it was created by this SDK.
Use None to have the server choose the default custom integration logo,
a grey runZero logo
:returns: CustomIntegration created
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
if isinstance(icon, (Path, str)):
icon = pathlib.Path(icon).resolve()
with icon.open("rb") as iconf:
icon = iconf.read()
except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
raise Error from exc
if isinstance(icon, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
icon = base64.b64encode(icon).decode("utf-8")
req = NewCustomIntegration(name=name, description=description, icon=icon)
res = self._client.execute("POST", self._ENDPOINT, data=req)
return _resp_to_source(res.json_obj)
[docs] def update(self, custom_integration_id: uuid.UUID, source_options: BaseCustomIntegration) -> CustomIntegration:
Updates a custom integration associated with your account.
:param custom_integration_id: custom integration with updated values
:param source_options: custom integration request values to update
:returns: CustomIntegration updated
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
res = self._client.execute("PATCH", f"{self._ENDPOINT}/{custom_integration_id}", data=source_options)
return _resp_to_source(res.json_obj)
[docs] def delete(self, custom_integration_id: uuid.UUID) -> CustomIntegration:
Deletes a custom integration from your account.
:param custom_integration_id: custom integration id to delete
:returns: CustomIntegration deleted
:raises: AuthError, ClientError, ServerError
res = self._client.execute("DELETE", f"{self._ENDPOINT}/{custom_integration_id}")
return _resp_to_source(res.json_obj)
def _resp_to_source(json_obj: Any) -> CustomIntegration:
source = CustomIntegration.parse_obj(json_obj)
if source.icon is not None:
source.icon = base64.b64decode(source.icon)
return source